ANDRÁS BEZDEK is Professor of the Mathematics, Auburn University, Alabama, and Senior Research Fellow at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of science, Budapest, Hungary. Previously, he held visiting positions at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, and the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He received the Ph.D. degree (1986) from Ohio State University, Columbus, and the Habilitation degree (1999) from Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary and the Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Science degree (2006), from Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. Since 2012 he holds the H. Knowles Professorship for Research Leadership in Mathematics Instruction.
BRET H. SMITH is Professor and industrial design chair at the Department of Industrial and Graphic Design at Auburn University. He has directed industry projects and research for NASA, Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace, 3M, IBM, Mead Imaging, Broan-Nutone, Dell and others. He has lectured nationally and internationally on industrial design, human factors, human behavior and design history. In addition to this he has served as an expert witness in cases involving human factors and intellectual property. A past board member and past district vice president of IDSA, he is currently the chair of IDSA’s Design History Professional Interest Section.